Root Canal Therapy

Skilled Root Canal Treatment in Thunder Bay

Root Canals in Thunder Bay, ONTooth infections can be very painful and lead to a lot of stress. When looking for speedy relief from tooth pain, you want a dentist with the experience and skills you need. At Memorial Avenue Dental, we leverage our extensive experience to help get you out of pain and protect the health of your smile. We've performed many successful root canal treatments over the years, so you can rest assured we can help you.

Whether you're experiencing a tooth infection for the first time or need retreatment, our general dentist and talented team will be there every step of the way. We'll provide care with the respect and compassion you deserve. We're dedicated to performing root canal treatments on the same day you contact us and do everything we can to aid in your quick recovery. Contact us today to schedule your root canal therapy appointment and get the relief from tooth pain you need!


What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy involves removing infected tissue from the inner structure, or root canals, of your tooth. In cases where your tooth is damaged or severely decayed, the rough and exposed surfaces of compromised teeth can be a breeding ground for bacteria. If bacteria move into the inner tooth pulp, where blood vessels, nerves, and soft tissue are found, they can cause dangerous infections.

After a careful examination, our dentist may recommend root canal therapy to alleviate pain and help you avoid an extraction. Our experienced team provides meticulous services that can reduce the negative impact of the infection and maintain your smile by keeping natural teeth in place.

How Can I Tell if I Need Root Canal Treatment?

Tooth pain can come from several factors, and infection is not always the source. Consulting with our dentist lets us diagnose the underlying cause of your oral pain and determine whether root canal therapy is the correct option for your situation. If you are unsure whether you need root canal treatment, some signs to look out for include:

  • Swollen, painful gums
  • Increased temperature sensitivity
  • Darkening of your tooth enamel
  • Severe tooth pain when chewing

Our Root Canal Therapy Process

Our practice aims to deal with your tooth pain as quickly as we can. We schedule same-day treatments whenever possible and will work hard to reduce your symptoms and protect your tooth. Over the years, we have successfully helped many patients with their infected tooth pain, and we're prepared to help you whether it's your first root canal treatment or you need retreatment. The process generally involves three phases:

Consultation & Oral Exam: Our root canal therapy appointments begin with a consultation and oral exam, which helps us gather the necessary information to diagnose the source of your pain. If we determine that you need root canal therapy, we will begin treating the infection, streamlining the process to ease your pain as quickly as possible.

Infection Removal & Treatment: Treating the infection involves gaining access to the inner tooth structure and removing any infected tissue from the interior of the tooth root. Next, antibiotics are applied, and the root canals are packed and sealed. Depending on the extent of the infection or decay, we may need to remove some tooth structure. However, we will do everything possible to preserve as much of your natural tooth as possible.

Filling or Crown Placement: After we treat the infection pack and seal the tooth roots, we place a filling or crown. Our practice generally places a filling. However, we can discuss placing a crown depending on insurance and comfort level. Our dentist will be there to discuss the best options for your situation and can help you come to a decision that best fits your needs.

Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

Root canal therapy may have an undeserved reputation for being painful. However, this is a misconception. The root canal therapy process is what is responsible for relieving the pain of your infected tooth. Our treatments will involve numbing the affected area to help make the process more comfortable, and our patients often report that the experience is comparable to getting a filling or crown.

Thunder Bay Root Canal Therapy for Saving Teeth

At Memorial Avenue Dental, we provide you with the skilled, personalized dental services you deserve. Our friendly team leverages our extensive experience performing root canal therapy to provide effective treatments that will relieve your pain and get you back to good oral health. If you need quality root canal therapy because of an infected tooth, we're here for you. Contact us today to schedule your root canal therapy appointment, and we'll do everything we can to see you on the same day to reduce your pain!



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